Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I Know You're Tired of Michael Jackson Tributes. . .
p.s. Due to the magic of the digital age, the same guy appears seven times.
p.p.s. The guy on the left is the producer and he's doing the rhythm section vocally. Kool!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ted Kennedy's Outreach
Click on Ted Kennedy's name in the title, and you'll be taken to the site so you can see the clip. Sorry about the commercial that's attached, but I wanted to share this with you all.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
And....He's Baaaack!
Monday, August 17, 2009
He's Back.

You know who I'm talkin' bout. And he's awesomely, wickedly bad. Although he's so good-lookin' and stylish that we don't care.
My OMG moment: when Don and his latest, um, conquest glimpsed Sal through the hotel window from the fire escape.
What was yours?
p.s. Here's a little Mad Men, Simpsons style:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Michigan Wedding Photos
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Things That Make You Go "Ooooh!"
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Feeling Kinda . . . Strange?
Solar Eclipse July 2009 to Be Dramatic, Longest in 21st Century
Updated: Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009, 11:28 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009, 11:17 AM EDT
(MYFOX NATIONAL) - The astronomical event of the summer, if not for this entire year, occurs Wednesday—a total eclipse of the sun visible in its entirety in parts of India and China.
It will be the longest eclipse of the 21st century, lasting as much as 6 minutes, 39 seconds in parts of the south Pacific Ocean, making it the longest-lasting one observed in China since 1814. It will not be surpassed in duration until 2309.
According to NASA , the path of the moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China before curving south across the Pacific Ocean ( NASA slideshow of the projected path ). The eclipse begins in India's Gulf of Khambhat (Bay of Cambay) at 00:53 Universal Time (UT). About 20 minutes later at 01:13 UT (9:13 a.m. local time) China will begin to see the event -- allowing more people to experience the spectacle of a total solar eclipse at one moment than at anytime in recorded history.
In the U.S., the only place that it will be visible is Hawaii, which will see a small partial eclipse toward sunset on Tuesday.
Field trip, anyone?
~Rye Bread
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Summertime, and the Living is Easy

Thursday, July 16, 2009
What's Your (G-rated) Fantasy?
Monday, July 13, 2009
My DIY Summer of Love—Circa 2009
Yes my friends, the lust incited by the Design Sponge blog, finally was consummated this past weekend.
It all started—innocently enough—when Cathy suggested we go to some tag sales on Saturday morning.
Off we went to the first one, but nothing happened. I was still a virgin when we left that driveway full of brick-a-brac and children’s toys.
But on the second tag sale, I spotted the possibility for a threesome. Two pieces of real adventure obtained for $2 each!
I will spare you the details about the daydreaming, the sighs, the fantasy of my trip to the Home Depot to acquire the means and tools necessary for my own private party for three.
Without further introduction, I will present to you the before and after photos of my busy weekend, and this is only the start of my Summer of Love—2009:

Friday, July 10, 2009
MadMen Casting Call
Another Version of Thriller!
I think we should all get up at lunchtime at RD and do this.
Promise me you'll think about it, ok?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
tribute to MJ
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Blogs I Read
OK, so I read Martha's blog. I don't think she actually writes it, but it's informative, and sometimes fun to see who she's having dinner with. My favorite one was about the bees that she keeps at her estate. Learned a lot:
Martha's dogs have a blog. I occasionally look at it. We should all be as pampered as these pups.
Posy Gets Cozy, a.k.a. Alicia Paulson. Crafts, sewing, a little Corgi dog named Clover, and a husband, Andy. They live in Portland. She sells things on etsy for astronomical fees. Things that I could make easily. But she's written a book and has a huge following. It's all about the romance of the blog, I've decided.
This is the blog of a small quilt shop in Sydney, Australia. The quilts from Down Under are SO different from the U.S. quilts: much more colorful and they think nothing of using polka dots or plaids for backgrounds. I always get inspired by what they're doing. Outrageous stuff in the quilting world.
And, there's more, but I thought I'd just list these right now.
Enjoy ~ White Bread
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Another Must See for TV Addicts
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Things to Look Forward to

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Young Girl Weeping for her Dead Bird
By Jean-Baptiste Greuze. I've always liked it. I though she needed a Warholian touch. What the heck. Some of us are weeping for other dead things.
—Señorita Cornbread
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Websites I Love
This is a website I go to every morning, after the New York Times one. It's got everything -- politics, book and movie reviews, even a "Dear Abby"- inspired advice column, if Abby were a spiritual, bohemian, left-wing, extremely insightful guy. There is also "Open Salon," a place readers can write about whatever they want. I love this site.
This used to be a site geared to the New York media scene. Lots of insider gossip and very snarky. Sometimes I felt that I had to be a 20-something working in an entry-level job in publishing (and going to lots of hipster parties at night to get the free food) to feel a part of this site. But now it's changed to include a lot more breaking news, Hollywood gossip, and just general sarcastic articles about almost anything. Very fun site, if you want something lite.
"Stuff White People Like" is a hilarious site that makes fun of a certain type of person that you might find sipping a Venti Part-Skim, No Foam, Caramel, Mochacchino Crappuccino, while renovating a brownstone in Park Slope and listening to NPR. The guy who runs the site doesn't write often, but when he does, it is SO funny. Go to the archives to read all of the past entries.
That's it for now -- have fun, all!
What's Good?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I Stole the Photo....
Photo: Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
Vote for MJ's Favorite Song
Friday, June 26, 2009
Celebrity Deaths Pairs
Orville Wright and Gandhi.
Jim Henson and Sammy Davis, Jr.
What do these pairs have in common? They all died on the same day. Not sure why but I'm fascinated by the matchups that The Grim Reaper puts together. It all seems so . . . totally random. Here's more on the subject, which I'm sure fascinates you too.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's a Sad Night

Heard that they are laying flowers on his star at the Walk of Fame. Only what they don't know is that they are putting flowers on the other Michael Jackson, a British film star! The King of Pop's star is covered by a red carpet because it is the première of “Brüno” tonight, starring you-know-who.
Yes, he was a fantastic one ever danced like him! I once knew someone who went to see his Thriller tour concert, and was lukewarm about going. When she came into work the next day, it was as if she'd gotten religion....she was hooked! She said she would never see anything like that again in her life...amazing the command of the stage that he had, and how innovative he was with his dance and singing!
It's a very sad night. ~W.B.
Michael, We Hardly Knew 'Ye
And man, the guy could DANCE. ~ Wrobyn
Well, they say the deaths always come in 3's
Farrah Faucett and Michael Jackson (?!)
Let Me Clarify
Rebuttal from an Independent White Far-to-the Right
Welcome Brioche!
Left Wing Conspiracy Theory. Viva Argentina!

Giada Focaccia, rebutal?
Señorita Cornbread
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mystery Solved?
Some words of wisdom
'I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it
seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.'
'I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles
these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.'
'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss
them when they're gone from your life.'
'I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life.'
'I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.'
'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands;
you need to be able to throw some things back.'
'I've learned that whenever I decide something with an
open heart, I usually make the right decision..'
'I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have
to be one.'
'I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.'
'I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.'
'I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel.'
White Roses on a Cloudy Day
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wecome, PaNeTToNe!

What's Not to Love About Perfect Laundry
Señorita Likes to Mess the Look of Things
I am less inclined to write than I thought I would be.
So, I messed with the look of the blog, or I redesigned the portal to our souls (corny translation.... from Cornbread... get it?).
What do you think?
I decided that this will be the space for "photo of the week," or "the day," or "the day we have nothing else to do."
I've run out of punctuation. Ciao
-Señorita Cornbread
Another one bites the dust!!! RIP John and Kate

While it comes to no surprise to me, some may be shocked to learn that John and Kate Gosselin are getting a divorce. I could see it from tthe time the show first started. It always looked like they couldn't stand to be around each other. She is a super Bi*&h ( and sometimes rightfully so due to her husband's stupdity) and he is just totally clueless (c'mon, did he really think that we would all believe that he was just out with a "friend" who happens to be a girl at 2:30 am?) Looks like he's gonna have to start hitting more of those college parties. Also, their show is going to be on hiatus. I think its clear that no one really wants to watch just a single mother of 8 trying to meet a man and parent her kids. Guess their cash cow is dead, for now.
Oh, if any of you want to see him in the flesh, I hear he frequents Front Street, a club on the waterfront in Newburgh. Field trip anyone???
"H-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!"
Monday, June 22, 2009
From Fore to Love
Is there life after TV? ~W.B.
Five Things That Blogettes Due in the Rain
2) Watch Nurse Jackie...awesome new show
3) Make a batch of brownies and eat only one of them
4) Look for your navel again
5) Tweeze your eyebrows
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday Saucing
Just finished a half-successful garage sale. Thanks to White Bread for her endless enthusiasm and help. It was a half-rain out day with great traffic and some cash. Giving most of proceeds away, but that's just because I'm eternally grateful for all that I have. Relaxing, early to bed for me. Hope you all enjoyed Father's Day. Gratefully yours....Giada Foccacia
Phun with Phonts
Saturday, June 20, 2009
No Knead Bread

Due to popular demand (well, actually, due only to Mabel's mom) I'm posting a link (click on the title 'No Knead Bread') to the fabulous no-knead bread that I make quite a lot, since it's very little work—and since I have very little work. I've added a picture of a finished loaf from the blog that I stumbled upon originally, which then led me to the NYTimes article. In case you're interested, here is the link to the original blog: