Sunday, July 5, 2009

Things to Look Forward to

Yes, we just suffered through two months of the worst summer weather in memory. But now the sky has cleared, and we can look forward to the feel of bare feet in warm sand, the chill of an icy mojito, and best of all, the return of Project Runway and Mad Men

Project Runway: What kinds of off-the-wall, incredibly stressful projects will Tim Gunn have in mind for his designers? Will they be allowed only 10 minutes in the meatpacking district to choose $40 worth of raw meat to use to create couture cruisewear? Or will they have 15 minutes at Walmart, where they have to buy nothing but polyester sweatshirts with really bad art and sayings on them, and later turn these into gowns to be worn on the Cannes Film Festival red carpet?

MadMen: What kinds of shenanigans will our favorite advertising team be up to next?  Will Sal ever really face his true nature? What evil thing will Betty do next? Will Don become less boring? And what the hell is up with Peggy -- will we ever be able to figure her out? Can't wait for our Monday lunches, when we try to analyze these complicated, conflicted souls.

So chins up, everyone...there's good stuff to come!



  1. That green number in the middle looks like my prom dress. ~W.B.

  2. Thanks for that, Sour. Does anyone know when Mad Men begins? I was just complaining to Guy that I have absolutely NO shows that I'm following. . . . BorRING!

  3. Yes, I was a hippie chick....but in college!

    In High School I was still in the Dark Ages, with black pumps, clear stockings, dirndl skirts, bows in my hair, white blouses with Peter Pan collars, and circle pins. (where you wore your circle pin was a big deal...each side of the collar meant something else...all dealing with your virtue, of course.)

    My photos are all packed, or I could give you a really good laugh!

