Monday, July 13, 2009

My DIY Summer of Love—Circa 2009

Yes my friends, the lust incited by the Design Sponge blog, finally was consummated this past weekend.

It all started—innocently enough—when Cathy suggested we go to some tag sales on Saturday morning.

Off we went to the first one, but nothing happened. I was still a virgin when we left that driveway full of brick-a-brac and children’s toys.

But on the second tag sale, I spotted the possibility for a threesome. Two pieces of real adventure obtained for $2 each!

I will spare you the details about the daydreaming, the sighs, the fantasy of my trip to the Home Depot to acquire the means and tools necessary for my own private party for three.

Without further introduction, I will present to you the before and after photos of my busy weekend, and this is only the start of my Summer of Love—2009:

It is love! I am hooked! Let the affairs come to me easily!

—Señorita Corn Bread in Heat


  1. wow!! great job! ill be needing your help if I ever find a house!


  2. Martha would be SO proud!

  3. Mabel~

    Fabulous work! I do believe it's (Design) sponge-worthy!*


    *see Seinfeld episode
