While it comes to no surprise to me, some may be shocked to learn that John and Kate Gosselin are getting a divorce. I could see it from tthe time the show first started. It always looked like they couldn't stand to be around each other. She is a super Bi*&h ( and sometimes rightfully so due to her husband's stupdity) and he is just totally clueless (c'mon, did he really think that we would all believe that he was just out with a "friend" who happens to be a girl at 2:30 am?) Looks like he's gonna have to start hitting more of those college parties. Also, their show is going to be on hiatus. I think its clear that no one really wants to watch just a single mother of 8 trying to meet a man and parent her kids. Guess their cash cow is dead, for now.
Oh, if any of you want to see him in the flesh, I hear he frequents Front Street, a club on the waterfront in Newburgh. Field trip anyone???
Never saw the show, but I decided that I didn't like either parent just from the COMMERCIALS. The kids look cute, though . . . although there are so MANY of them.