Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fresh New Look

Howdy, all! Our blog has a fresh new look and a new header, an image I found online and thought was perfect for Les Baguettes! She's a sassy French girl and she's got a way with that loaf of bread.

There have been some major events since we abandoned our poor blog, and I thought that we could resurrect it by listing some of them. In no particular order:

• Baby Baguette alert! We welcome Mara Jade to the world. If PaNeTToNe agrees, I will post the very first pics of her here.

• Giada Foccacia has turned 60 and done a very nice job of it too.

That's it for now. Post those comments, photos, vids, etc. as you see fit. It's Easter! Let's resurrect the blog!

xxx, Wry

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Courtesy of Giada Focaccia

Talk about HDD....I am tired just looking at these girls!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Know You're Tired of Michael Jackson Tributes. . .

but you have got to see this one. It's the last one I'll post. I mean it.~Wry

p.s. Due to the magic of the digital age, the same guy appears seven times.

p.p.s. The guy on the left is the producer and he's doing the rhythm section vocally. Kool!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just For Fun

Monday, September 7, 2009


After reading the Times magazine article about Spike, I watched youtubes of his videos, all of them remarkable, but these 2 stood out. Click this blog post title to watch Christopher Walken dance and fly. Stay till the end of the, it’s the best part. I can't wait for the Wild Things!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ted Kennedy's Outreach

On last night's ABC news, and very noteworthy.

Click on Ted Kennedy's name in the title, and you'll be taken to the site so you can see the clip. Sorry about the commercial that's attached, but I wanted to share this with you all.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mad Men

Oh, great: Now I'm going to be singing "Bye Bye, Birdie" all night long.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

And....He's Baaaack!

But, we all agree: WHAT were THEY THINKING with THAT winner of the All Stars Challenge??? Give us Korto any day!

Monday, August 17, 2009

He's Back.

You know who I'm talkin' bout. And he's awesomely, wickedly bad. Although he's so good-lookin' and stylish that we don't care.

My OMG moment: when Don and his latest, um, conquest glimpsed Sal through the hotel window from the fire escape.

What was yours?


p.s. Here's a little Mad Men, Simpsons style:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Leaving the Church

The Ring Bearers

Michigan Wedding Photos

The Bride, Carrie, and her brother, Andrew and sister, Allyson.
Cutting the Cake

Thomas and Ben

Carrie and Matt
The bouquet

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things That Make You Go "Ooooh!"

Found some gorgeous websites, images, and blogs today, and thought I'd share. Here are some pix that I have grabbed, one is more beautiful/amazing/creative than the next.~Rye

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lucy!

And may all your dreams come true!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Feeling Kinda . . . Strange?

Solar Eclipse July 2009 to Be Dramatic, Longest in 21st Century

Updated: Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009, 11:28 AM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009, 11:17 AM EDT

(MYFOX NATIONAL) - The astronomical event of the summer, if not for this entire year, occurs Wednesday—a total eclipse of the sun visible in its entirety in parts of India and China.

It will be the longest eclipse of the 21st century, lasting as much as 6 minutes, 39 seconds in parts of the south Pacific Ocean, making it the longest-lasting one observed in China since 1814. It will not be surpassed in duration until 2309.

According to NASA , the path of the moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China before curving south across the Pacific Ocean ( NASA slideshow of the projected path ). The eclipse begins in India's Gulf of Khambhat (Bay of Cambay) at 00:53 Universal Time (UT). About 20 minutes later at 01:13 UT (9:13 a.m. local time) China will begin to see the event -- allowing more people to experience the spectacle of a total solar eclipse at one moment than at anytime in recorded history.

In the U.S., the only place that it will be visible is Hawaii, which will see a small partial eclipse toward sunset on Tuesday.

Field trip, anyone?

~Rye Bread

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summertime, and the Living is Easy

Another Sunday, another DIY I am in love with. This homely looking table, came to me courtesy of Cathy, who recently re-did her living room, and it looks smashing—no room for the homely table. Thank you Cathy! I hope you don't want it back, because it is now a terrific addition to my deck.
I am thinking on further decoration to the side, I have this cute Mexican tin figures, that would look nice, but for now i am happy with it as is. It will store books and newspapers.
Bye now, I am off to my stylish deck, to savor a glass of wine, and the Sunday paper.

—Señorita Cornbread

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What's Your (G-rated) Fantasy?

It's time to spice things up around this here blog! I propose the next challenge: Tell us what you would do with lots and lots and lots of $$. Would you take a cruise? Buy an airplane? How about a pied a terre in Monaco?

Here's what I would do. I'd build one of these:

Or maybe something like this:

Monday, July 13, 2009

My DIY Summer of Love—Circa 2009

Yes my friends, the lust incited by the Design Sponge blog, finally was consummated this past weekend.

It all started—innocently enough—when Cathy suggested we go to some tag sales on Saturday morning.

Off we went to the first one, but nothing happened. I was still a virgin when we left that driveway full of brick-a-brac and children’s toys.

But on the second tag sale, I spotted the possibility for a threesome. Two pieces of real adventure obtained for $2 each!

I will spare you the details about the daydreaming, the sighs, the fantasy of my trip to the Home Depot to acquire the means and tools necessary for my own private party for three.

Without further introduction, I will present to you the before and after photos of my busy weekend, and this is only the start of my Summer of Love—2009:

It is love! I am hooked! Let the affairs come to me easily!

—Señorita Corn Bread in Heat

Friday, July 10, 2009

MadMen Casting Call

Enter to win a walk-on role on MadMen. Go to:
